Compare products using the comparison tool on our website

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  • By Marit Krol
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Compare products using the comparison tool on our website

Not sure which product you need from all our variants? Would you like to compare different products? Then you've come to the right place!


Use our comparison tool!
Are you on the page of a specific product that you would like to compare with another product? Then take a look to the right under the information table. Here you will find three different icons, two arrows, a heart, and a phone. Today we are going to focus on the two arrows on the left. To add a product to the comparison, you need to click on the two arrows on the corresponding product page. Repeat these steps for the second product.



Let's take a look at the comparison tool
Would you now like to view the comparison of the two products? Then scroll all the way to the top of any page. At the top, in the orange bar, you will again find these two arrows, if you click these you will arrive at the comparison. In this comparison, you will see the specifications of the two selected products. This way, you can easily see the differences between certain specifications with the two products. This makes it easy to see which product better suits your needs.


Want to take a quick look at how exactly to do it? Then watch the video below:



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