Brady has been a leading lockout solutions provider of lockout tagout solutions since 1990. Brady was one of the first companies to comply with the new OSHA legislation in the US
Today Brady offers a comprehensive package for Lockout/Tagout compliance. Increasing demand for advanced safety solutions has driven the R&D as well as know-how to become a complete LO/TO provider.
For whom safety during maintenance work is an absolute priority, Brady offers an extensive lockout tagout product range. Thanks to its R&D activities and accumulated experience, Brady can also answer the demand for advanced safety solutions. With a complete range of quality LOTO solutions, Brady has grown into a global supplier of safety solutions. Brady's lockout tagout safety solutions include products such as safety padlocks, tags and labels, and a variety of lockout devices.
At the lockout tagout shop you will find an extensive Brady range, consisting of:
- Safety Padlocks
- Padlock Accessories
- Lock-out Hasps
- Tags and Labels
- Lockout Devices
- Lockout kits
- Lockout stations
- Group lock-out
- Pipe Marking
- Label Printers
- Key Cabinets
Our range of Brady lockout devices includes locking devices for; valves, electrical hazards, ball valves, butterfly valves, Cable lock-out, confined spaces, blind flanges and pneumatics.